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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Listening intently to the guide at the Oasis, junior class Student Council officers scout the restaurant for placement of Prom activities. The officers spent hours both on-site and on campus to ensure a seamless and memorable event.

Student Council Plans Prom

Tianwen Gao, Heritage Staff February 24, 2025

Culminating each school year with a day of spectacle, school spirit, and nostalgic unity, almost a thousand upperclassmen converge together at the Oasis restaurant to celebrate Prom, and the completion...

Chatting with friends, Freshman Class President Apple Ma adds peanut butter to her birdseed feeder. The birdseed feeders were given out to volunteers to take home and give to family and neighbors. "I think it's important because it kind of is a good way for you to represent how you want to change the world," Executive Vice President Josie Sun '26 said. "It's not something that I think people are really rewarded for a lot, but I still think choosing to serve others is something that really encapsulates what Student Council is."

Student Council Contributes To Spirit of Thanksgiving

Tianwen Gao, Heritage Staff November 26, 2024

In the spirit of giving thanks and expressing gratitude, Student Council (StuCo) hosted a series of service events throughout November to uniquely give back to the community. With dedicated planning...

Playing a video game, Robotics Club members Ilia Iliev ‘26, Scott Sundstrom ‘25, and Samuel Yarbrough ‘25 enjoy their drinks. Many robotics members got the chance to meet students on teams other than their own, strengthening the community within the club as a whole.

Robotics Builds Bonds at Annual Boba Social

Avi Rajesh, Heritage Student Life Editor September 16, 2024

In an effort to strengthen the bonds amongst those within the robotics community, as well as all over the school, the Robotics Club held its annual boba social on Thursday, Sept. 12. The club served...

Crowding around a poster board, Junior cellists Samhita Guntakala and Sam Yarbrough refine their sketch of a cello. Over the span of an hour and a half, the cellists worked together to bring their section poster to life. "Every year, we always draw a cello in some sort of different situation, and this year [it's] a cello wearing concert black on a stage," Yarbrough said.

Orchestra Savors Ice Cream at Section Poster Social

Bella Yi, Heritage Campus Life Editor August 31, 2024

Dozens of students crowd the orchestra room after school on Friday, Aug. 30, bowls of ice cream in hand. Across the blue tarps on the carpet, poster boards and colorful paints scattered the ground, an...

Posing for a photo, DECA seniors Brooke Xu, Valerie Zhang, and Hannah Lee relax after qualifying for the State competition. Westwood DECA beat personal records this year, having a total of 256 members advancing to compete at the next level.

DECA Breaks District Records

Mallory Milner, Reporter January 18, 2024

On Tuesday, Jan. 9, Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) began their season with the Districts competition at Kalahari Resort. DECA members gathered to compete in written and roleplay events...

With precision, Lerchen Zhong '26 delves into Claire de Lune by Claude Debussy alongside the All-Region Symphony Orchestra. The award-winning orchestra received a standing ovation after their performance.

All-Region Clinic and Concert Display Student Collaboration in Music

Serena Liu, Reporter December 7, 2023

As the conductor lifts his hands, students calmly get ready to unleash the result of hours of practice and rehearsal, their music skills sharp and clear in mind. The audience sits silently, all ears...

Crouching down, Marlene Luo '25 carefully aims her ball towards the hole. Luo's team, the Westwood Girls 2nd team, started out on the 8th hole, with Luo hitting a birdie on the 1st. "It was very fun spending time with our teammates and working together to get a good score," Luo said.

JV Golf Irons Out Victory at Balcones Country Club

Prima Changwatchai, Assistant Editor September 21, 2023

On Monday, Sept. 18, all JV Boys and JV Girls golf teams competed against eight other high schools in an introductory par 3 golf tournament at Balcones Country Club. Both boys and girls teams received...

Working together to paint the viola section poster, freshmen Magnolia Hance and Saanika Parikh chat amongst themselves, getting to know each other in the process. Interactions between different sections were also facilitated in the form of friendly competition.

Orchestra Fosters Community and Friendly Competition at Section Poster Social 

Catharine Li, Horizon Editor-in-Chief September 12, 2022

Arms outstretched to reach the nearest paint brush, necks craned around a butcher paper canvas, where students, keen on deciphering the many themes and symbols dispersed in pencil outline, made finishing...

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