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Westwood Horizon

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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Posing for a photo, DECA seniors Brooke Xu, Valerie Zhang, and Hannah Lee relax after qualifying for the State competition. Westwood DECA beat personal records this year, having a total of 256 members advancing to compete at the next level.

DECA Breaks District Records

Mallory Milner, Reporter January 18, 2024

On Tuesday, Jan. 9, Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) began their season with the Districts competition at Kalahari Resort. DECA members gathered to compete in written and roleplay events...

Presenting a slide about taking initiative in the organization, Active Minds officers encouraged member participation. During its first meeting of the year, Active Minds organized activities for members to get to know each other in order to foster a welcoming community.

Active Minds Club Presents Plans at First Meeting

Madison Kennedy, Reporter September 21, 2023

On Friday, Sept. 15, Active Minds hosted an informational meeting in room E2304 before school and in room D2216 in the afternoon. Active Minds is a non-profit that strives to make its organization a safe...

Co-Presidents Rutu Rupurel '25 and Mishree Narasaiah '25 present their slideshow about anxiety, the focus of the April meeting.

Active Minds Fosters Safe Space for Members at April Meeting

Shivani Kondubhatla, Horizon Editor-in-Chief April 6, 2023

On Wednesday, April 5, Active Minds Club kicked off the month with its third meeting of the year. With mental health issues on the rise among teenagers, Active Minds Club was started to provide a safe...

On the bus journey to Seguin, HOSA members face a long day of competitions ahead of them. To ease nerves before their competitions, Future Health Professionals participated in karaoke and practiced presentations during the bus ride.

HOSA Students Advance to State Leadership Conference

Chloe Oakley, Campus News Editor January 25, 2023

On Friday, Jan. 20, members of Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) , ventured south to Seguin High School to compete at the Area 1 Spring Leadership Conference (SLC). Members spent months...

Using a periodic table to identify elements, students Fred Fisher '24 and Jacob Pryor '24 study together before their chemistry quiz. After the first nine weeks, many students coming back from virtual learning have been able to adjust to the various classes at Westwood.

Adjusting to a New Normal: Students Reflect on First Nine Weeks

Hibah Ahmed, Marketing Director October 29, 2021

After the first nine weeks ended on Friday, Oct. 15, students shared how they have readapted to Westwood’s ever changing environment in the past two months. Tests crammed close together, countless virtual...

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