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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Adorning Hawaiian shirts, the Student Council officers pose in the F-hall during Beach Day. StuCo officers planned and executed Howdy Week dress-up days, which encouraged school spirit, and contained a variety of themes, making the celebration accessible to all.

Students Showcase Spirit During Howdy Week Dress-up Days

Tara Kurkal, Tiktok Account Manager September 10, 2023

From Monday, Aug. 28 to Friday, Sept. 1 Howdy Week took place. Arranged by Student Council, Howdy Week was a week full of dress-up days with specific daily themes, allowing students to showcase their school...

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