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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

While her partner cuts the mink using scissors, Joan Amalraj '27 helps by holding back flaps of skin. Most club members worked in pairs to dissect their specimens.

Anatomy & Dissection Club Concludes Year with Mink Dissection

Prima Changwatchai, Assistant Editor March 30, 2024

For their last meeting of the year, Anatomy & Dissection Club held a mink dissection in Mr. Eric Scheiber’s room after school on Thursday, March 21. The mink was the largest and most complex...

Helping out two club members, Anatomy & Dissection Club Vice President Nicole Wang '24 points out parts of the turtle's digestive system. Some of the club members were confused about the digestive system's location due to differences between mammalian and reptilian anatomy. "At this time in high school, the most experience you get is probably organs or smaller specimens such as mice [and] frogs," Wang said. "The turtle is a fascinating, almost difficult dissection due to the sheer size and more complex structure overall. You have all the organs and it is a big specimen."

Anatomy & Dissection Club Explores Complex Turtle Anatomy

Prima Changwatchai, Assistant Editor January 30, 2024

On Friday, Jan. 26, Anatomy & Dissection Club held a turtle dissection in Mr. Scheiber’s room before school. As the club’s first reptilian study of the year, the meeting allowed members to...

Posing for a photo, DECA seniors Brooke Xu, Valerie Zhang, and Hannah Lee relax after qualifying for the State competition. Westwood DECA beat personal records this year, having a total of 256 members advancing to compete at the next level.

DECA Breaks District Records

Mallory Milner, Reporter January 18, 2024

On Tuesday, Jan. 9, Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) began their season with the Districts competition at Kalahari Resort. DECA members gathered to compete in written and roleplay events...

With gloved hands, club members Ava Poursepanj '26, Nathan Aguilar '26, and Sydney Daigle '26 pry open the squid specimen. Club members studied the internal structures of squids, including the gills, jaws, and digestive tract.

Anatomy & Dissection Club Gets Their Hands Inky for Squid Dissection

Prima Changwatchai, Assistant Editor December 7, 2023

On Friday, Dec. 1, Anatomy & Dissection gathered to dissect squids in Mr. Scheiber’s room before school. Shifting the club’s focus from studying simpler organs, such as the sheep heart dissection...

Using a scalpel, Tyler Martinez '27 inspects the inside of a sheep heart. The sheep heart dissection provided club members the hands-on opportunity to explore the anatomy of mammal hearts.

Anatomy & Dissection Club Pours Their Hearts Into First Dissection of the Year

Prima Changwatchai, Assistant Editor October 29, 2023

Anatomy & Dissection Club gathered to dissect sheep hearts in Mr. Eric Scheiber’s room on Friday, Oct. 27. Chosen by club officers, the sheep heart dissection was the club’s first dissection...

On the bus journey to Seguin, HOSA members face a long day of competitions ahead of them. To ease nerves before their competitions, Future Health Professionals participated in karaoke and practiced presentations during the bus ride.

HOSA Students Advance to State Leadership Conference

Chloe Oakley, Campus News Editor January 25, 2023

On Friday, Jan. 20, members of Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) , ventured south to Seguin High School to compete at the Area 1 Spring Leadership Conference (SLC). Members spent months...

Tracking the ball, Karen Chen '26 hits a backhand to return the ball. Westwood started off the day with double matches, ending with single matches.

JV Orange Tennis Edges Past Stony Point

Jayant Bettadpur, Reporter October 8, 2022

In a close game, JV Orange tennis edged past Stony Point 11-8 to end their final home game on a good note on Tuesday, Sep. 27.  Westwood came to a rocky start in their first boys' doubles match...

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