The halls fill with the chatter of students as the bell rings for lunch. Clusters of friends flock toward the cafeteria doorways, pushing amongst the mass of people.
In the midst of it all stands hall monitor Sherman, calmly directing the jumbled students. He cracks a joke and puts on a mock stern expression as students beg for permission to go to the library or leave campus. Sherman is known as a friendly face to some and a wily adversary to others. But no matter what, he is an essential part of our school’s community.
Sherman grew up in Shanghai, China with his parents.
“I moved to America because my parents moved to New York,” Sherman said. “I moved to Austin because one of my friends was here at UT Austin and roomed with him for a while.”
But through all the years, Sherman accredits his best memory to being the time he met his wife.
“Really, I’m not kidding, that was the best moment,” Sherman said. “I met her through friends.”
Family is very important to Sherman, who has a son and twin daughters. Sherman asserts that his mother is one of the most important people in his life, as he looks up to her greatly.
“My parents supported me. My advice to kids is to listen to your parents, because teenagers think they know everything but they actually know nothing,” Sherman said. “Parents won’t direct their kids to the wrong path. Parents show the right way, but kids don’t take it.”
Sherman has been a dedicated part of Round Rock ISD for eight years, working at McNeil for four years before coming to Westwood.
“All the students here dress good, they talk good, and they walk good,” Sherman said. “They want to be successful.”
Sherman states that he is very happy to work here and never wants to retire.
“Working kills the time and here it makes me feel good. I like talking to all of the quality kids,” Sherman said. “But sometimes kids don’t listen, so I let them go. You cannot teach everybody.”
When asked to choose three words to describe himself, Sherman responded by saying “Mean old man.” But many students attest otherwise. Grumpy old man? More like funny, kind, hallway hero.