Clubs Decorate Hallways for Homecoming
Armed with blue tape and their imaginations, organizations and clubs battled it out this past Tuesday for the annual homecoming hallway decoration contest. Students worked diligently after school to correspond to this year’s theme: fairy tales, myths, and fables.
Various fantastic ideas were displayed throughout the halls of the school. An array of creations crafted from paint, butcher paper, balloons, fabric, and more added a brilliant hue to the otherwise dull hallways. Embellishments ranging from hanging UFOs to a knitted fairy tale braid showcased the artistic talents of our Warriors.
“We decided to do Rapunzel for our theme because we really wanted to make her hair out of yarn, since we’re the knitting club,” Jennifer Spofford ‘16 said. “It’s a creative way to incorporate our club into our design.”
Many groups had unique ideas to embody the purpose of their organization into their decor. Orchestra adorned their section of the school with a firebird, which corresponds to a piece of music famous in Russian mythology. Helping Our Peers Excel, or HOPE, had the theme, Pandora’s Box, “because hope is what came out last,” Tiara Allen ‘16 said.
The Languages Other than English (LOTE) hallway is filled with fables from cultures all around the world. The National French Honor Society based their garnish on a folk tale called Le Petit Poucet, which translates to The Little Thumb boy. For National Spanish Honor Society (NSHS), the story Domingo Siete, or Sunday Seven, inspired their decorations.
“A lot of our characters aren’t featured in normal fairy tales, we have ogres and the protagonist is a hunchback. It’s a really cool story,” Noelle Rivera ‘16, a member of NSHS said.
American Sign Language used classic joke well known in the deaf community. “Our theme is deaf king kong,” Dane Hoogendam ‘17 said. “We used this entire hallway in order to make it catch the people who come through and go by.”
Each organization told us what their secret weapon was in their display.
“We have a lot of people and a lot of ideas this year. We have a better goal,” President of National French Honor Society (NFHS) Julia Hillin ‘16 said.
“We have something that stands out, we used this entire hallway in order to make it catch the people who come through and go by. Also the theme is a lot more unique than most people’s,” Hoogendam ‘17 said.
Last but not least, the Drama Club spent their afternoon with paintbrushes and great tunes to help their creative energy flow. They decided to base their inspiration on a classic animated film, The Lion King. “It’s originally a movie but then [was] turned into a broadway show. That kind of idea of relating us to a drama activity is something that we’re all really passionate about,” Alia Butt ‘16 said.
All in all, students had a great time working together and using their imaginations to get an edge in this friendly competition.
“It was a fun way to be involved in school activities,” Evelyn Ngo ‘19, a freshman member of HOSA said.
“What we have here is an unstoppable spirit,” Butt ‘16 said. “This is not an official meeting and so everyone came out of there own time to do this and it’s wonderful to know that over ten kids have come.”
However there can only be three finalists, and after much contemplation by our very own teachers, they have decided on ASL as this year’s first place winner. Second place goes to Knitting Club and French Honor Society takes third.
Contributions by Katie Chung

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