OPINION: Officer Used Excessive Force at Round Rock High School

RRHS Editorial Featured ImageA video recorded on Oct. 8 of Texas police officer throwing a Round Rock High School student to the ground after grabbing him roughly by the throat went viral because of the officer’s extreme use of force.

Two students, one being 14-year-old Gyasi Hughes, got into a fight over a pair of sports goggles in the cafeteria. After breaking up the fight, the two student resource officers cornered an amped-up Hughes and one began to yell in his face and push him back. The same aggressive officer kept putting his hands on Hughes, but even in the boy’s emotional state he never fought back or reacted violently. When the officer gripped his wrist harshly, Hughes put his hand over the officer’s hand in a ‘leave-me-alone’ sort of way, not a ‘throw-me-to-the-floor-I-am-a-dangerous-teenager’ type of way.

However, that is exactly what this belligerent school cop did. It seems he forgot he was just working at a high school and tried to reenact a scene from White Chicks, where the painfully bad police officers messed up their painfully easy mission.

This is unacceptable behavior from school police officer. Not only did he provoke the whole exchange, but he hurled an innocent student to the concrete floor by his throat. Hughes’ father, Kashka Hughes, has decided to press charges against the officer whose actions against Gyasi Hughes were outrageous. Mr. Hughes believes the officer needs to take additional training; some might say “he was just doing his job”, — but maybe he will learn it is wrong to put his hands around a 130 pound, 14 year old boy who was just being emotional. No arrests were made, though Hughes has been suspended for a week and will be held to two Saturday detentions for the fight he took part in.

Since the incident Hughes has apologized to the officer and, according to the police statement given, the incident is under review.