Girls’ Lacrosse Sizes Up in Aggieland Classic

The JV and varsity girls’ lacrosse teams partook in the Women’s Aggieland Classic, an annual tournament in College Station, on Saturday, Feb. 4 to advance their skills and see how they measured up to other teams in Texas. Varsity won two of their three games and JV lost all three.
“We can see what type of teams we’re going to be playing against towards the season and understand that our plays can work and that our defense works and that’s going to help us a lot,” varsity co-captain Kayla Shea ‘17 said.
Both JV and varsity teams played games on Saturday and spent the night. After a tiring day of playing three difficult games, the two teams spent the night in a nearby hotel where they continued a tradition of dyeing their hair.
“After the games at the hotel when we team bonded and dyed hair and had fun,” JV co-captain Leah Hendrix ‘19 said. “We were able to get to know each other and learn how we all play and figure out what type of person we all are.”
The tournament is known among the players as being an opportunity to bond and become a team. There, winning games is fun, but isn’t the only reason to participate in the competition.
“It was really great to have that team camaraderie and so aggieland was just super fun. I got to hang out with the team and I feel like we bonded and got closer,” Ellen Okamura ‘18 said.
The tournament let the girls gain experience and learn what to expect for the season this spring.
“It’s gonna be tough but I think we have a chance of going to state again and playing the playoffs,” Shea said.
The next JV and varsity games will be against McNeil and Bowie, respectively, on Sunday, Feb. 12 at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the Warrior Bowl.

My life basically consists of playing lacrosse and doing homework but when I have a moment to myself I can be found jamming out to my favorite songs or...