Paper Rose Tutorial
Sage Clark, Yearbooker| February 15, 2021
For this tutorial, the first thing you will need are some post-it notes. (Square shaped origami paper will work just as fine).
Start out with a singular post-it note.
Take the sheet and fold it in half vertically to form a triangle.
Proceed to fold the paper in half again, creating another triangle.
Fold that triangle in half once more.
Draw a petal-like shape with a pen or pencil near the widest part of the triangle.
Cut along the drawn-in line. Repeat the previous steps four times, using four different post-it notes.
It should end up looking like this.
Once you finish with the previous steps, open up the folded up papers to reveal something that looks like the following.
Mark these guidelines on your own flower cut-outs.
Cut along the guidelines and keep all of the pieces of paper besides one half of the bottom right flower, which can be scrapped.
Take the four largest scraps of paper and shade in the following. This will serve as a guide for where to glue.
Glue ONLY on the shaded portion, and connect the flower together, making a cone-like shape. Repeat for the other scraps.
It should end up looking like this.
Now, take the two smallest pieces that were set aside and shade as pictured to serve as a guide for where to glue.
When gluing the smaller pieces, use your finger as a base to make the gluing and shaping process easier.
Once the cones have dried, to add depth to the flower, try to curl the edges of the petals slightly.
Next, glue the bottom of the second biggest cone (as seen shaded in the image) and insert it into the center of the largest cone.
If done correctly, it should look like this. Continue to layer the cones inside of each other from largest to smallest.
The end product should look something like this. If you want to be extra, feel free to add a stem of paper leaves for a statement.

I normally work on the yearbook but you might just catch me in the opinions or extras section if you're lucky ;)