Tanvi Reddy ‘25: Executive President Advocates for Collaboration with the Student Body
Having been in several different StuCo officer positions since middle school, Tanvi Reddy ‘25 wants to make collaboration between StuCo and clubs a more streamlined process.
“I want to make sure that we do a lot more school spirit activities next year,” Reddy said. “[I also] want to mak things more relaxed in terms of rules for clubs, but there are still going to be some rules so that club operations can go smoothly,” Reddy said.
In addition, Reddy wants to create a better work environment within the organization, prioritize teamwork among officers, and encourage the student body to participate in StuCo.
“For officers specifically, I’m planning on having mentorship groups to have younger officers be mentored by older officers,” Reddy said. “I’m also planning to make the Student Council barriers for entry a lot lower especially for freshmen so that they can be more involved in our event.”
Josephine Sun ‘26: Executive Vice President Prioritizes Unifying Students and Student Council
Utilizing her perspectives as both a StuCo officer and a member of the student body, Josephine Sun’ 26 strives to create a deeper connection between the organization and students by increasing school spirit and re-establishing StuCo as a representative for the student body.
“One of the major things I want to improve upon is StuCo’s involvement and image among the student body,” Sun said. “I want there to be a clear connection among students, StuCo, and the school’s administration.”
Sun’s involvement with StuCo has given her the drive to make changes within the student body using perspectives from students and administration.
“Having all these perspectives together and the drive to take tangible actions symbolizes who I am as a person and what I have to offer as an officer,” Sun said.
Arjun Bhardhwaj ‘25: Executive Secretary Strives to Connect the Student Body
Currently serving as Junior Class Secretary, Arjun Bardhwaj ‘25 aims to use his skills from his past StuCo positions to handle both secretary work and plan events that the entire student body can enjoy.
“The secretary does all the boring work like logging in hours and updating the website,” Bhardwaj said. “I’m also a general StuCo officer and so I want to make sure the student body is accounted for and that there are fun events planned.”
Bhardwaj wants to ensure students across grade levels can come together at StuCo activities.
“StuCo offers a way for students to participate in really cool events and opportunities,” Bhardwaj said. “But more than that, it’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends.”
Karen Chen ‘26: Executive Treasurer Aims to Increase Event Funds
As executive treasurer, Karen Chen ‘26 plans to make fundraisers that appeal to the entire student body.
“I hope through our fundraisers we can raise enough money to fund our events,” Chen said. “I also want to create unity among the student body through fundraisers that have appealing themes.”
Chen prioritizes advocating for the student body and making Stuco events memorable for attendees.
“StuCo to me, means that I have to be an active part of the community at Westwood,” Chen said. “I want to be able to make everyone’s high school experience more memorable through the events that we conduct.”
Emily Zhang ’27 – Executive Webmaster Candidate Seeks Event Insight
Executive Webmaster Emily Zhang ‘27 aims for productive communication between StuCo members. Additionally, Zhang intends to execute active listening to gain more student input.
“Some StuCo officers do not take the block, so I will focus on efficiently communicating with them [about events],” Zhang said. “I am also a great listener who will listen to different student opinions and would like to focus more on student feedback next year.”
As a result, Zhang plans to assist the president and secretary in creating more interesting events for the student body.
“I think we need to plan better fundraising events because our last sour candy fundraiser was good but our first one wasn’t as successful,” Zhang said.
Siyona Jain ‘25: Senior Class President Strives to Represent the Class of 2025
Experienced in the dynamics of student council for numerous years, Siyona Jain ‘25 has had hopes to use her knowledge of the ins and outs of StuCo to make 2025 a memorable year for the graduating class.
Jain aims to make 2025 a memorable year for the graduating class by implementing senior gifts, donating an ice machine on behalf of the Class of 2025, revamping the amphitheater in front of the school, and decorating some of the newer wings. Jain also hopes to spark new traditions at Westwood including selling class t-shirts and creating time capsules to be opened at class reunions in the future.
“I hope to make senior sunrise and sunset more involved activities with things like games and live music,” Jain said. “I also wanted to create a class memory book that is handed down to every graduating class.”
Jain prioritizes representing the Class of 2025 and ensuring that the student body’s voice is heard.
“Student Council is really important to me because I’ve been involved in it since 3rd grade,” Jain said. “I want to make sure that students have events that they want to go to and are catered to them.”
Shristi Mahajan ‘25: Senior Class Vice President Shoots for Memorable Final Year
Making 2025 a memorable year for the graduating class is one of Shristi Mahajan’s ‘25 main goals as Senior Class Vice President.
“I want a lot more connectedness within our class and include the student voice, especially in the selection of our senior gift, ” Mahajan said. “I also want to make events like senior sunrise and senior sunset really memorable.”
Mahajan has been a student council officer since her freshman year and believes she has the experience to fulfill her duties.
“I believe I bring the experience and qualities of a leader, and being familiar with Student Council, I believe I can do the role of Vice President justice,” Mahajan said.
James Li ‘25: Senior Class Secretary Shares Goals for Student Outreach
Pushing for a fun and engaging conclusion to his final year of high school, Senior Class Secretary James Li ‘25 aims to improve many aspects of graduation and senior-centered StuCo events.
“I think senior year should be memorable for all of us since it’s our last year as a high school student,” Li said. “I plan to make Senior Sunrise fun [and] all the [other] graduation events.
With previous niche experience in the field, Li believes that he is the best fit for this position.
“Most of the job is just like sending out slides every week,” Li said. “And I’m the IBSO secretary and I manage DECA’s emails too, so I have quite a bit of experience [in this area]. I think I’m organized as well.”
Aiming to leave a lasting impact on the organization, Li aims to take StuCo to new heights by focusing on student outreach and entertaining events.
“I will try to make StuCo a little more involved with the student body in general and have [like] more fun events, maybe some free food,” Li said.
Bailey Zhang ‘25: Senior Class Treasurer Strives to Ensure Incredible Final Year
Newly elected Bailey Zhang ‘25 has been class treasurer each year she has been a member of Student Council, and now looks to the final year of her time at Westwood to make sure every student has a fun and engaging last ride. Zhang has both the experience and the will power to ensure it will happen.
“I think I’m most suitable because I know all the processes that go into being a treasurer,” Zhang said. “Doing prom this year has been a big challenge, and I’m proud to have overcome it.”
Zhang has big plans for the senior class next year, looking to have student inclusion and an efficient process in doing so.
“My plans next year as senior class treasurer is definitely just to ensure everything goes smoothly as it has previously,” Zhang said. “We want to have a good senior sunrise and sunset, and we want to ask students for their input on what the student gifts should be.”
One of the most important things for Zhang is ensuring her mark is left on the graduating class and StuCo as a whole, as it has driven her throughout high school.
“Student Council has always had a special place in my journey in high school because of the people I’ve met there,” Zhang said. “The overall community has been extremely inclusive and special compared to other places. I hope to bring this kind of inclusive activity to more people.”
Ninju Prem ’25: Senior Class Parliamentarian Aims to Make Prom More Streamlined
As Senior Class Parliamentarian, Ninju Prem ‘25 wants to make sure that prom ticket sales are a better experience for both StuCo and the student body.
“Prom ticket sales were an absolute mess this year, so I really want to make it more efficient next year,” Prem said. “I also want to organize prom a bit better next year because our funding this year was not well organized.”
Prem also wants to make sure that StuCo events are better advertised and that more students attend events.
“A lot of our events aren’t being publicized well and people don’t know what the events are for,” Prem said. “I want to communicate more with the student body about why they should attend our events.”
Rheya Kurian ‘26 – Junior President
Aiming to create a memorable year for her fellow juniors, Rheya Kurian plans to prioritize numerous social and community events to better student outreach during her time as junior class president.
“We’ll have our annual socials and fundraisers and might make some changes to our annual Valentine’s Day bake sale, even though it’s been doing really great that time of the year,” Kurian said. “We might change that up a little bit, but [we definitely will have] socials and plan on having social stuff [throughout] the year to keep our class engaged.”
With prior experience in student council affairs and a past in developing solid relationships with the StuCo community members, Kurian believes she possesses the skills to effectively lead the junior class into an engaging and fun year.
“Over these past two years, I’ve gotten really close with our class sponsor and have learned valuable communication skills and teamwork skills,” Kurian said. “I can definitely work well in a group and I believe as class president, I can definitely lead the other class officers in the right direction for planning prom and our socials and fundraisers.”
Reva Chandane ‘26 – Junior Class Vice President Strives for Better Events
Emphasizing the importance of the inclusion of the student body in planning, Reva Chandane strives to make prom a better experience for everyone.
“Since I’m part of the junior class, we’ll be focusing on prom and making it a fun experience for everyone,” Chandane said. “[This means] making it more efficient, and getting the student body more included.”
By using her past experience organizing socials for the Class of 2026, Chandane aims to continue improving and increasing the efficiency of prom.
“I’ve had a lot of experience in past years planning socials and stuff, and that will really help me this year, planning such a big social event like prom,” Chandane said. “We’ve also gotten experience this year looking at the current juniors planning.”
Ryan Gu ‘26 – Junior Class Secretary Pursues A Close Community
Looking to build a tight-knit community, Ryan Gu ‘26 will utilize his work ethic to organize more school-wide events as junior class secretary.
“I’m a very hard-working person,” Gu said. “If I do something, I know I’m going to do it to the best of my ability.”
Gu seeks to emphasize the importance of a student body government.
“I like to think of being part of StuCo as representing, rather than governing,” Gu said. “[I want to] bring out the best traits of our school and make good events for people.”
Iris Chen ‘26 – Junior Class Treasurer Aims For Proactivity
Since seventh grade, Iris Chen ‘24 has abundant experience with leadership and the StuCo system. Chen constantly finds ways to grow by managing finances for school-wide events, including future ones.
“Next year we’ll be looking toward prom and getting ready for decoration budgeting to get costs,” Chen said. “[Additional] fundraisers we might hold [will be] for other things like [the] senior gift and Project Grad.”
Chen advocates for accountability and hopes she will be able to bring a variety of traits to the table.
“I’m pretty responsible in terms of attending meetings and contributing ideas for socials,” Chen said. “As treasurer specifically, I can make sure money is accounted for and [our] budget is done beforehand and very organized.”
Aiden Wen ‘26 – Junior Class Parliamentarian Sets Goals for Prom
A year in advance, Aiden Wen ‘26 is already looking for ways to streamline next year’s prom process for his classmates as junior class parliamentarian.
“A main part of junior class StuCo will be to plan prom next year,” Wen said. “We’ll make payment easier, [and] we’ll streamline the process so [juniors and seniors] have the best experience possible.”
Besides prom, Wen hopes to structure StuCo in a lawful way.
“As a Parliamentarian, I’m supposed to be in charge of standards and rules,” Wen said. “I’m going to make sure that all the procedures are followed, all of the tasks and everything.”
Wen also hopes to get to know as many people as possible around school, and encourages students to interact with him and each other.
“I care about everyone in this school a lot. I feel like everyone has their potential and are great people,” Wen said. “If you see me, you can say ‘hi’ whenever.”
Saanvi Mittal ‘27 – Sophomore Class President Plans to Prioritize Student Needs
During any given week, Saanvi Mittal ‘27 might be in a Lincoln-Douglas debate, at an Ethics Bowl competition, or a theater rehearsal. And to add to her list of merits, Mittal has been elected as sophomore class president.
“I’ve been in Student Council for the past four years so I know how it works,” Mittal said. “My platform has always been [used] to help students and [to use] their experiences to guide StuCo.”
Wanting StuCo to cater more to the needs of the student body, Mittal plans to integrate StuCo more into school life. One way is by involving not just students, but also clubs, such as hosting workshops on how clubs can advertise themselves.
“Right now we are seen as something that just exists, instead of something to guide students, which is what I want StuCo to be seen as,” Mittal said. “I want to do this by making our committee events more hands-on and active, as well as being a mentor for all clubs.”
Ultimately, Mittal wants StuCo to be more influential in the growth of the community.
“To me, StuCo is a cheerleader that’s able to help our school grow, and something [to help] all the students and teachers become a community that spreads its kindness in every way possible,” Mittal said. “I think that’s very valuable when it comes to changing our community little by little.”
Nancy Lu ‘27 – Sophomore Class Vice President Showcases Care for Community
On the golf course, Nancy Lu ‘27 drives her best shot, and in the classroom, she hopes to drive StuCo towards a greater place as sophomore class vice president. Lu plans to execute her plan by creating new methods of communication between StuCo and the community.
“A lot of the student body doesn’t know about [what] we do and how important they are,” Lu said. “My main goal is to make StuCo more transparent, so people know what we’re doing and why, so they can be more involved with our activities. I also want to implement a general feedback form [for students] to express their thoughts about the school, or specifically StuCo.”
Lu’s care for the community shows through her StuCo experience and her love of meeting new people and making new friends.
“To me, StuCo is something that gives me resources to change the school and the community,” Lu said. “StuCo has introduced me to so many amazing people that [I] look up to, [as well as] people who are kind and are always available to give me a helping hand when I’m stuck on something.”
Yonnie Yang ‘27 – Sophomore Class Secretary Looks Forward to New Experiences
From being an avid robotics enthusiast to reading and writing in her free time, Yonnie Yang ‘27 proves herself well-rounded in many aspects. Now, she hopes to further expand her participation in the community as sophomore class secretary.
“[I] didn’t have a StuCo position this year, so part of my goal is [that] I really want to be able to make it easier for other people to join,” Yang said.
As Secretary, Yang hopes to extend StuCo’s volunteer opportunities to students outside of StuCo, so that everyone can benefit from the organization.
“We just held a Prom for people who normally wouldn’t be able to go to Prom because of disabilities. I [think] people [who] want to help [with] things like that should be able to,” Yang said. “There’s lots of people who need volunteer hours at school, so I think that could be beneficial for the student body in general.”
Tianwen Gao ‘27 – Sophomore Class Treasurer Establishes Goals for Next Year
Frequently found in the atrium after school, Tianwen Gao ‘27 stands behind a table selling goods for a freshmen StuCo fundraiser. Gao uses these fundraisers as a way to help her class through StuCo, and her financial expertise is why she’s been elected as sophomore class treasurer.
So far Gao has been successful in her endeavors, with her fundraisers roping in upwards of $600, a higher claim than any other fundraiser hosted by her grade.
“Fundraisers [are good] so we can have more profit, [and] I plan on working with the other officers to have a better system advertising fundraiser[s],” Gao said. “My goal as Treasurer next year is to ensure that we make a revenue of $700 every fundraiser.”
Gao’s ambition extends past just annual fundraising. She also wants to save money for her class’s graduation.
“Graduation costs a lot of money, and my role as treasurer is to ensure that we have enough money for whatever we want to do at graduation,” Gao said.
Gao wants her fundraisers to become a key part of the student body’s experience, something hosted weekly or monthly, as a method for students to bond with StuCo.
“StuCo is a community where we show up to cheer for each other and support everyone in our community,” Gao said. “During events like fundraisers, we make sure to show up and buy something, even if it’s very small.”
Jacob Kinnison ’27 – Sophomore Class Parliamentarian Targets Communication Gap
With five years of leadership experience through volunteering and Student Council, Parliamentarian Jacob Kinnison ‘27 endeavors to now serve the class of 2027.
“I just enjoy being part of a group and helping others,” Kinnison said.
Kinnison has noticed a prevalent issue: important information sent out by StuCo is often missed.
“A lot of people often aren’t checking their emails, and not a lot of people are on social media,” Kinnison said. “I want to find a way to better help us get information out.”