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The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

The student news site of Westwood High School.

Westwood Horizon

Adorning Hawaiian shirts, the Student Council officers pose in the F-hall during Beach Day. StuCo officers planned and executed Howdy Week dress-up days, which encouraged school spirit, and contained a variety of themes, making the celebration accessible to all.

Students Showcase Spirit During Howdy Week Dress-up Days

Tara Kurkal, Tiktok Account Manager September 10, 2023

From Monday, Aug. 28 to Friday, Sept. 1 Howdy Week took place. Arranged by Student Council, Howdy Week was a week full of dress-up days with specific daily themes, allowing students to showcase their school...

Dancing, PowderPuff cheerleaders perform to Streets by Doja Cat during halftime. The cheer routine was choreographed by Nicole Fraizer, Susan Hamilton, Elena Weinstein, and Sarah Taparuskas.

Performances Power Fourth Annual PowderPuff

Chloe Oakley, Campus News Editor April 15, 2023

On Thursday, April 13, National Honor Society (NHS) held their fourth annual Powderpuff game. In addition to the gender-swapped flag football game, the event featured halftime performances from Chinese...

Candidates who lose in the Executive election will be given the opportunity to run for secondary positions.

Executive Candidates Advocate for Student Representation in StuCo Election

Chloe Oakley, Campus News Editor April 11, 2023

Executive officers are a crucial part of StuCo, leading the entirety of the organization.  These students help organize opportunities and events, ensuring the continued success of StuCo initiatives. Below...

Arjun Bhardwaj '25 and Aarvin Hirode '25 engage in a German conversation based on the discussion questions provided by the officers. Both students are new NGHS members but have experience with learning and using the language.

German Honor Society Kicks off with Kaffeehaus Social

Aanika Hirode, Arts & Entertainment Editor October 4, 2022

On Friday, Sept. 23, National German Honor Society (NGHS) held its first event of the year in Frau Melgar’s room. The Kaffeehaus Social, or Coffee House Social, gave students a chance to reconnect...

In a dip, Diego Rodriguez '22 is escorted by Bria Rowe '22. This was during the modeling portion of the competition, where the contestants were able to show off their custom Men's Wearhouse suits.

Well-Dressed Warriors Amaze Audience During Annual Pageant

Hannah Ashtari, Managing Editor January 27, 2022

The crowd was filled with the sound of elated cheers, gasps of surprise, and the thunder of applause in equal measure during the 21st annual Mr. Warrior Pageant on Thursday, Jan 20 in the Westwood...

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