Michael Le ’17

Michael Le '17 shows off his 3D origami fish sculpture.
Photo by Jaycie High

   “I make 3D origami or modular origami sculptures. They usually take somewhere between two and 20 hours to make a single sculpture. I mostly make them for fun and make them but along the way, I just really enjoy creating things out of just paper and having people looking at them and giving them as gifts. I started doing 3D origami since seventh grade so I have been doing it for five years.

   I mostly make people and animals; right now I’m working on a tiger but I usually make swans, fish, and other animals. I am conscious of my decisions while making them, like how big they need to be, how many pieces I need to make, and how much time I need. When I am making them, I am at the perfect level where I can concentrate but still relax. Making them is mostly for fun but I enjoy making them because I enjoy creating structures and having a purpose which is giving them to other people.

   An average sculpture takes about 300- 400 individual pieces, so about 10 or 15 large computer paper. First, I plan out what I want, like how big of a base it needs and how high it would have to look, then I would have to make adjustments along the way but usually I make the pieces as I make it so I don’t have to commit very hard to it. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish a sculpture and then I get excited about the anticipation of giving them to whoever I am making them for.”