Quarantine Quests: Anika Rajkumar ‘22 Finds Joy in Art During Extended School Closure

Anika Rajkumar

Displaying her original artwork, Anika Rajkumar ’22 took to TikTok in search of fun activities to combat boredom, later finding a new passion for painting. Photo courtesy of Anika Rajkumar.

In such a time of unprecedented change, people around the world are seeking activities to encourage positivity as they learn to navigate a rapidly transforming social landscape around them. The student body found many ways to spend time from home as they found new engaging and imaginative hobbies. Anika Rajkumar ‘22 turned to her canvases and brushes, combating boredom by developing a passion for painting. 

“My sister and I got into painting which turned out to be my new obsession. I initially got my inspiration from TikTok, one day I saw a painting account and it made painting look so easy,” Rajkumar said. “I wanted to give it a try and I really enjoyed it.” 

While each piece takes only about an hour to complete, Rajkumar enjoys the art-making process as an expressive yet therapeutic medium to let her creative spirit shine. 

“We painted sunsets and beaches as well as abstract which was super fun, since we never have time to do that when there is school.” Rajkumar said. 

As she explores her artistic talent, Rajkumar has found comfort in simplicity, weathering uncertain times with a variety of other activities. 

“I went on walks with my family throughout the neighborhood and got to spend time with them. We also baked yummy treats,” Rajkumar said. 

In light of a growing collective effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, students across the nation like Rajkumar are adjusting to adhere to new shelter-in-place schedules, remaining hopeful and reflecting on this newfound time. 

“I definitely want to continue painting as a hobby because it’s such a good [way] to spend time,” Rajkumar said.