What Your Favorite Beatles Album Says About You
With their 13 studio albums, every Beatles fan has their favorite. But what does this favorite say about you?
The Beatles are arguably the most important band in music history. They created what we now consider to be rock music, and their echoes can be felt through most genres today. With a history of fantastic albums, most people have a personal favorite. But what does your favorite reveal about your own personality? Let’s find out.
Please Please Me: You’re a simple, fun person who isn’t too deep. You love the early Beatles albums, obviously, and are a good dancer.
With the Beatles: You love to have a contrarian opinion and have a very high opinion of yourself. You have an older sibling who you are intensely jealous of.
A Hard Day’s Night: You’re known to many as an upbeat and happy person, but secretly you possess an unrelenting sadness that can never be cured.
Beatles for Sale: You’re a boring person who makes any social gathering worse just by being there. You act mopey but never really explain why, leading most to assume you just want attention.
Help: You’re in that awkward period between being an adult and a teenager, or maybe the one between middle age and retiring. You’re not sure what to do with your life, but you have potential.
Rubber Soul: You’re super relaxed all the time. You also have some serious relationship issues. Some people forget about you, as you may not be as crazy or as funny as your peers, but you hold your own as a cool and chill person.
Revolver: You are simply the coolest person around. Everyone likes you and enjoys your presence. You like to experiment with various cultures and ideas but luckily you don’t overdo it.
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band: You are a bit of a conformist. While you may base your opinions on what others think, you’re still a nice person to be around.
Magical Mystery Tour: You’re really weird.
The Beatles: You have a short attention span and don’t have much of a filter but are super fun to be around. You’ve tried everything and have been everywhere, or so you claim. However, after long periods of time, you tend to grate on the nerves and can start babbling incoherently.
Yellow Submarine: You’re really weird, even weirder than the guy who likes Magical Mystery Tour.
Abbey Road: You’re a George Harrison stan and like synthesizers. You’re a fun person to be around but sometimes you can be a little boring.
Let It Be: You’re a bit of a mess and can appreciate that this album is a mess too. You can be a goofball at times but when you bare your emotional side it can actually be quite touching. If you prefer the original version you’re sentimental and love the band member’s personalities except for Ringo. If you like the Naked version you’re a purist.

Class of 2023
I am currently Westwood Horizon's video editor, and also one of the hosts of Friendcast, our website's podcast video series. In addition...
Rowan • Oct 13, 2021 at 9:13 pm
let It be naked Abbey road White album and MMT are my fave albums.
Hugo Alabaster • Sep 27, 2021 at 12:38 pm
Revolver is overrated
Beatlearl • Sep 26, 2021 at 9:42 am
This is 1000% pure BS.