AFJROTC Celebrates Accomplishments in Annual Awards Ceremony
On Saturday, May 12, the TX-861st had their annual awards banquet, signifying the end of the year. National awards presenters from around Austin came out to present cadets who had won national awards, local awards and scholarships were also awarded.
“Being in the POW-MIA ceremony, a ceremony where we recognize fallen soldiers before any dinner event we hold, was very important to me. I represented the Coast Guard,” Emma Van Metre ‘18 said.
Smokey Mo’s Barbeque was served for dinner, and cadets, families, and awards presenters were all invited to join one another. Awards were handed out and everyone was thanked for their time this year.
“It felt great to watch all of the cadets receive their awards and feel proud of themselves and their fellow cadets at the end of the year. The awards banquet we have is always the best way to bring the whole corps together for one last time, before our seniors graduate and new cadets come,” Samantha Tarafdar ‘18 said.

Hello, my name is Donatella and I am a photographer for the 2016-2017 school year. This will be my second year of being in yearbook and third year of being...