JV Orange Volleyball Takes Down Leander 2-0


Yunoo Kim

The Lady Warriors laugh while waiting for the game to start. The team won the game 2-0.

The JV Orange Volleyball team was victorious against the Leander Lions 2-0 on Friday, Oct. 25. Parent Night filled the gymnasium with encouraging cheers that grew increasingly louder as the game drew close to its end. 

“I think we played well because we had really good communication,” Trinity Woods ’23 said. “We’ve been improving on a lot of things we’d been working on.”

In the first set, Catherine Ray ‘22 hit a quick line shot that struck the Lions’ left sideline, increasing the Warriors’ lead to 14-7. Claire Delane ‘23 made many receives, including a dive in a long rally that the Warriors continued on to win. Multiple players, including Ray, Delane, and Phia Parent ‘22, delivered five or more successive serves. The Warriors displayed impressive blocking skills throughout the entire game, and a combined effort from Delane and Vibha Velur ‘23 finally ended a rally in which the ball went over the net eight times. Another block from Woods sent the ball straight down on to the Lions’ court, giving the Warriors the first set 25-12. 

“Last time we played [the Lions,] we played really well together,” Lauren Kelley ‘21 said. “I think it was that confidence brought over from the last time [that helped us to win].”

The Warriors lost the first two points of the second set, but a long spike from Kenna Williams ‘22 quickly set the team back on track. Both Williams and Alex Kriz ‘23 demonstrated additional powerful spikes that the Lions couldn’t receive. Woods and Ray’s  combined block earned the Warriors their last point, ending the set 25-13. 

“The first set’s energy was a lot higher than the second set’s, but I feel like our playing overall was consistent,” Kelley said.

The JV Orange Volleyball team’s next game will be at home against the Round Rock Dragons on Tuesday, Oct. 29.